We also work closely with the Royal Borough Kensington & Chelsea. offering one-to-one sessions to residents affected by trauma. As of July 2021, we have delivered 800+ sessions to over 150 people. We have been honoured to meet and work with so many amazing people and such a strong and powerful community, it has been quite a journey. We have built beautiful relationships and helped rebuild lives.
Each person has had 6-12 hourly sessions with us and our team. We offer a multidisciplinary approach that looks at each client and their needs and symptoms individually and then selects a mix of our therapies to work together. This is the first time such professional and well provisioned continued care has been provided and the results have been amazing - actually even better than we could have expected. It has shown how very powerful ‘alternative’ therapies can be, especially when working as a team together.
We have helped people where medication couldn’t. Trauma and grief tends to sit in the body and when you work through it gently in this physical way, the results can be phenomenal. We are so grateful for this opportunity and to be able to use our medicine in this way. We hope to write a paper this year showing the process and our results. This is something that needs to be incorporated into mainstream care.
Thank you to the people who came and trusted us, and thank you to our team:
Acupuncture - Paula Taras
Biodynamic Massage & Body Psychotherapy - Catherine Gehin
Body Psychotherapy - Leyla Salha
Clinical Massage - Dina Mistry
Hypnotherapy, NLP, EFT - Samantha Abraham
Holistic Massage - Nadia Faucher
Massage Therapy - Marco Casu
Meditation - Patrice Jones
Nutritional Therapy - Lisa Powell
Personal Training - Leyla Salha
Physiotherapy / Pilates - Justina Polydore
Reflexology - HueLan Chau
Vagus Nerve Stimulation Therapy via Daith Piercing - Nadia Faucher
Yoga - Raquel Aguado